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Two-Ways — Weird Romance At The Brooklyn Book Festival
2:00 PM14:00

Two-Ways — Weird Romance At The Brooklyn Book Festival

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Two astoundingly accomplished team-ups of authors explore their many attractions to weird romance and speculative fiction, and all the things that happen when you create genre-bending graphic novels in collaboration! Audrey Niffenegger and Eddie Campbell (Bizarre Romance) and Alex de Campi and Katie Skelly(Twisted Romance) . Moderated by Tor Books editor Diana Pho.

For more information, click here.

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Printers Row Lit Fest - Audrey And Eddie Discuss Bizarre Romance With Donna Seaman
11:00 AM11:00

Printers Row Lit Fest - Audrey And Eddie Discuss Bizarre Romance With Donna Seaman

Authors Audrey Niffenegger and Eddie Campbell, whose works have both been inspired by visual representation, some even converted to films, will be discussing their newest anthology Bizarre Romance with a fellow member of the writing and editing community, Donna Seaman. This collection both celebrates and satirizes the many types of love we experience as humans. The various relationships explored by the variety of authors will be an inspiration for conversation.

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Book Launch Party: Bizarre Romance at Women and Children First Bookstore
7:00 PM19:00

Book Launch Party: Bizarre Romance at Women and Children First Bookstore

Join us at Women and Children First as we celebrate the launch of BIZARRE ROMANCE. 

International bestselling authors Audrey Niffenegger and Eddie Campbell, have collaborated to create 13 quirky, irreverent vignettes about love, loss, fairies, regret, wanton wrongheadedness, cats, supernatural exterminators, and more cats! With Niffenegger’s sharp, imaginative prose and Campbell’s diverse comic art styles, Bizarre Romance explores the good, the bad, the ugly, and the just plain weird through re-imaginings of classic fairy tale characters, love letters during the apocalypse, and more. 

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